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EL SALÓN de Fanjul&Ward

Los salones de música en Paris en el siglo XVIII, fue un espacio sostenido por mujeres, donde ellas podían conversar, tener opinión y vivir una vida intelectualmente rica y nutritiva.

A ese lugar asistían: filósofos, científicos, escritores, artistas, etc. y por supuesto este espacio era acompañado de música.

Y nos encanta la idea de emular de manera online ese espacio, con conversaciones ricas, que nos hagan pensar más allá de los pensamientos que siempre sostenemos.

  • Caroline Ward
    The greatest strength of Caroline is her faith in and ability to inspire others to go out into the world and be their best. She is a naturally creative thinker capable of generating divergent solutions in any moment and she believes that although tradition plays its part, the future belongs to that which we are creating right here and now. Caroline brings together strategies from a diverse range of disciplines to deliver high performance results. She has applied these capabilities in a range of fields including the arts where she negotiated a new fee structure for the entire profession in her home country, Australia, increasing the artists´ income by 50%. She is a specialist in personal and collective transition and transformation. She was a coach before there was such a thing. She is skillful in the more subtle aspects of business meaning she can detect emergent trends and intuit the path to follow with sharp clarity, even recognizing future obstacles and how to overcome them. She loves to negotiate, create opportunities, and help others to be bold, brave and shine their light to the maximum.
  • Angelica Fanjul
    Angelica is a natural producer. Coordinator of national and international seminars. Pioneer in creating shared value, bringing together government sectors, businesses, NGOs, academics and media. She was at the forefront of the environmental movement in Chile, developed national policies and practices to include the voice of the citizens. She is a passionate social leader whose political understanding allows her to read the public frame, the press and context, and thus knowing where and when to enter the market with an artist. She has designed, collaborated and directed a series of transformation projects that were always purpose-driven, working with communities and countries, involving leaders from all fields of work. Angelica loves people, the arts and artists. Her networks are vast and she has a great capacity to build strong and trusted relationships at all levels. She cares deeply and is deeply caring.

Sábado 22 de agosto a las 16 p.m. (hora de Chile)


Invitada Especial: Graciela Huinao, Poeta

Cuando llamé a Graciela para acordar esta conversación, quedamos que sería el sábado 22, ya que el sábado después se iría al campo a sembrar... y esto es lo que hace esta mujer poeta... SEMBRAR. Graciela Huinao -así como el mundo mapuche en general- vive de sus memorias, de sus historias, de lo que sus antepasados le contaban. Su tradición oral es fuerte y contiene mucho poder, puede que sea lo mismo para todos los pueblos y culturas, sólo que la inmediatez intenta de alguna manera hacernos creer que ya no tenemos tiempo.

Conversar con una poeta y además poeta mapuche, es una conversación con tiempo, con sueños, con cuentos, con historias... es una conversación donde no estamos sólo nosotras y ustedes, están también nuestros amados... aquellos que han incluso viajado hacia el azul... y esa es nuestra invitación para este sábado.

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Elicura Chihuailaf, oralitor y poeta

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Carola Fuentes, periodista

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María Olga Delpiano, periodista 

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Lucia Newman, periodista y Corresponsal de Al Jazeera

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